Ice Fishing Rules
No motor vehicles on the ice.
Member, guest or fishing badges must be worn while on the ice.
No use of gas-powered augers before 8 a.m.
No fishing closer than 50 feet from the shore of anyone's property unless it is your own.
No fishing closer than 100 feet from the beach areas and directly behind the Clubhouse.
Drill no more than 10 holes per person per day.
No fires allowed on the ice other than cooking on grills.
Unprotected glass containers are prohibited on the ice at any time.
All fish you do not intend to eat or otherwise take with you should be returned to the lake alive.
When you leave, take everything off the ice with you including fish, garbage, coals, firewood, cans, etc.
All NJ Fish & Game Rules must be followed.
Gas augers may be used after 8 a.m. during ice fishing season but should be inspected to prevent pollution from leaks and removed from the ice as soon as possible, preferably immediately after use.
Ice safety: The determination of the safe condition of lake ice is the user’s sole responsibility.
(LSC Board Approved 4-3-2009)